印度当局在孟买缴获价值200千吨的毒品, 在一次重大搜捕中逮捕了四名嫌犯。 Indian authorities seize ₹200 crore worth of drugs in Mumbai, arresting four suspects in a major bust.
印度麻醉品管制局(NCB)在Navi Mumbai的一次突袭中查获了价值约200克的毒品,逮捕了4名嫌疑人。 The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in India seized drugs valued at around ₹200 crore in a raid in Navi Mumbai, arresting four suspects. 运输包括11.54公斤优质可卡因、4.9公斤水栽大麻和200包大麻口香糖。 The haul included 11.54 kg of high-quality cocaine, 4.9 kg of hydroponic weed, and 200 packets of cannabis gummies. 这些毒品是通过一个使用虚假身份的国际辛迪加从美国追查到的,这些身份是在前一次缉获可卡因后通过情报和监视查明的。 The drugs were traced from the U.S. through an international syndicate using false identities, identified through intelligence and surveillance after a previous cocaine seizure.