古瓦哈提的BSF今年没收了价值12.7卢比的违禁品并逮捕了131名走私犯。 BSF in Guwahati seizes contraband worth Rs 12.7 crore and arrests 131 smugglers this year.
古瓦哈提的边境安全部队在2024年1月1日至11月29日期间缴获了价值12.7卢比的违禁品,包括毒品、黄金和糖。 The Border Security Force (BSF) in Guwahati seized contraband worth Rs 12.7 crore between January 1 and November 29, 2024, including drugs, gold, and sugar. 他们还逮捕了131名参与走私活动的人,包括35名孟加拉国国民和96名印度人。 They also arrested 131 individuals involved in smuggling, including 35 Bangladeshi nationals and 96 Indians. 边防部队继续与孟加拉国边防警卫队合作,维护边界沿线的和平与安全。 The BSF continues to work with Border Guard Bangladesh to maintain peace and security along the border.