克什米尔警察扣押了价值4.3卢比的资产,以Anantnag的贩毒者为打击目标。 Kashmir police seize assets worth Rs 4.3 crore, targeting drug traffickers in Anantnag.
查谟和克什米尔警察在阿南特纳格区扣押了价值4.3卢比的资产,其对象是贩毒者。 The Jammu and Kashmir Police have attached assets worth Rs 4.3 crore in Anantnag district, targeting drug traffickers. 这包括《麻醉药品和精神药物法》规定的五栋房屋和三辆汽车。 This includes five houses and three vehicles under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. 警察旨在摧毁毒品网络,阻止非法活动,鼓励公众支持。 The police aim to dismantle drug networks and deter illegal activities, encouraging public support.