警察在查谟和克什米尔没收了价值1卢比的财产,以打击贩毒活动。 Police seize properties worth Rs 1 crore in Jammu and Kashmir to combat drug trafficking.
查谟和克什米尔阿南特纳格区警方根据《麻醉药品和精神药物法》没收了价值1卢比的财产,以打击贩毒活动。 Police in Jammu and Kashmir's Anantnag district have seized properties worth Rs 1 crore under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act to combat drug trafficking. 被没收的财产包括三所房屋和土地,价值为20万卢比、40万卢比和40万卢比。 The seized properties include three houses and land, valued at Rs 20 lakhs, Rs 40 lakhs, and Rs 40 lakhs. 这些行动旨在打乱贩毒分子的金融网络,直至法律程序完成为止。 These actions aim to disrupt the financial networks of drug traffickers and are held until legal proceedings are completed. 警察敦促公众协助打击贩毒活动。 The police urge the public to assist in the fight against drug trafficking.