Ellie因支付系统问题,面临延迟的带薪休假补偿和支付其前使用者账户的付款。 Ellie faced delayed Paid Leave compensation and payment to her ex-abuser's account due to payment system issues.
家庭暴力幸存者Ellie由于支付处理系统的问题,在领取带薪休假补偿方面遭遇延误。 Domestic violence survivor, Ellie, faced delays in receiving her Paid Leave compensation due to issues with the payment processing system. 她的付款大部分存入一个旧账户,她不再有机会进入,但施虐者却可以进入,这造成了财务困难。 A large portion of her payment was deposited into an old account she no longer had access to, but her abuser does, causing financial difficulties. 由于该制度的拖延和缺乏透明度,弱势个人的处境岌岌可危。 The system's delays and lack of transparency have left vulnerable individuals in a precarious position.