宾夕法尼亚州众议院劳工和工业委员会一致批准了一项由瑞安·麦肯齐 (Ryan Mackenzie) 发起的保护家庭暴力受害者失业福利的法案。 Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee unanimously approved a bill to protect jobless benefits for domestic violence victims, sponsored by Ryan Mackenzie.
宾夕法尼亚州众议院劳工和工业委员会一致批准了一项保护家庭暴力受害者失业救济的法案。 Pennsylvania's House Labor and Industry Committee has unanimously approved a bill to protect jobless benefits for domestic violence victims. 该法案由瑞安·麦肯齐 (Ryan Mackenzie) 发起,更新了失业补偿的措辞,使受害者免受传统资格规则的约束。 The bill, sponsored by Ryan Mackenzie, updates the wording of the Unemployment Compensation to exempt victims from traditional eligibility rules. 它的目的是加快福利发放并确保遭受家庭暴力的人获得他们应得的福利。 It aims to expedite benefits and ensure those in domestic violence situations receive the benefits they're entitled to.