澳大利亚赞同61项打击金融虐待的建议,金融虐待是一种隐蔽形式的家庭暴力。 Australia endorses 61 recommendations to fight financial abuse, a hidden form of domestic violence.
财务虐待是一种隐藏的家庭暴力形式,涉及控制伴侣的财政资源和独立性,往往影响到妇女。 Financial abuse, a hidden form of domestic violence, involves controlling a partner's financial resources and independence, often affecting women. 战术包括限制获得资金、限制工作机会和损害信贷。 Tactics include restricting access to funds, limiting work opportunities, and damaging credit. 作为重要步骤,澳大利亚议会委员会批准了61项建议,以打击这种滥用行为,保护金融服务用户。 In a significant step, Australia's parliamentary committee has endorsed 61 recommendations to combat this abuse and protect financial service users.