哥伦比亚幼儿保育委员会游击队在卡利联合国生物多样性首脑会议(COP16)期间暂停进攻行动。 Colombian EMC guerrilla group suspends offensive actions during UN Biodiversity Summit (COP16) in Cali.
哥伦比亚的EMC游击队曾威胁在卡利举行的联合国生物多样性首脑会议(COP16), Colombia's EMC guerrilla group, which previously threatened the UN Biodiversity Summit (COP16) in Cali, announced they would suspend their offensive actions during the event. 这一决定是在该集团宣布之后作出的,该声明引起了人们对可能扰乱首脑会议的暴力的关切。 The decision comes after the group's announcement, which had prompted concerns about potential violence disrupting the summit. 由持不同政见的哥伦比亚革命武装力量前战士组成的一个派别,即EMC,保证今年晚些时候不袭击在卡利举行的联合国第16届缔约方会议生物多样性会议,以示他们对和平的承诺。 The EMC, a faction of dissident former FARC fighters, pledged not to attack the United Nations' COP16 biodiversity conference in Cali later this year, as a gesture of their commitment to peace. 哥伦比亚政府以前曾与莫尔迪斯科领导的EMC派别终止停火,而与其他EMC团体的停火将维持三个月。 The Colombian government had previously ended a ceasefire with the EMC factions led by Mordisco, while ceasefires with other EMC groups will hold for three more months.