据哥白尼称,全球平均气温达到 17.09°C,创下地球最热一天的纪录。 17.09°C global average temperature sets record for Earth's hottest day, according to Copernicus.
欧洲气候机构哥白尼报告称,上周日是地球有记录以来最热的一天,打破了之前的高温记录。 European climate agency Copernicus reports that last Sunday was Earth's hottest day in recorded history, breaking previous heat records. 全球平均气温达到17.09°C(62.76°F)。 The global average temperature reached 17.09°C (62.76°F). 这一令人担忧的趋势是人类造成的气候变化,正在将地球推向危险的境地。 This alarming trend is attributed to human-caused climate change, pushing the planet into dangerous territory.