加拿大联邦移民官员警告政府,针对战争流离失所的乌克兰人的紧急签证计划将开创“重大先例”。 Canadian federal immigration officials warned the government about setting a "significant precedent" for the emergency visa program for war-displaced Ukrainians.
法庭文件显示,加拿大联邦移民官员警告政府,为战争流离失所的乌克兰人设计紧急签证计划将开创“重大先例”。 Court documents reveal that Canadian federal immigration officials warned the government about setting a "significant precedent" by designing the emergency visa program for war-displaced Ukrainians. 该计划在俄罗斯入侵期间启动,允许无限数量的乌克兰人及其家人来到加拿大等待战争结束,并且违背了部门工作人员的建议,免除了乌克兰人在签证到期时承诺离开的要求。 The program, launched during the Russian invasion, allowed an unlimited number of Ukrainians and their family members to come to Canada to wait out the war and also waived the requirement for Ukrainians to promise to leave when their visa expires, against the advice of department staff.