加拿大移民部长Marc Miller宣布改革以冷却“过热”移民制度。 Canadian Immigration Minister Marc Miller announces reforms to cool an "overheated" immigration system.
移民部长马克·米勒说, 移民系统已经"过热", Canadian Immigration Minister Marc Miller says the country's immigration system, which saw record numbers of newcomers, is "overheated" and needs "discipline." 2024年,他实施了诸如限制学生签证、减少永久居民人数、使工作签证更难获得等变革。 In 2024, he implemented changes like capping student visas, reducing permanent residents, and making it harder to get working visas. Miller承认公众关注寻求庇护者比率和住房成本高的问题, 但强调移民需要支持劳动力及医疗保健等方案。 Miller acknowledges public concerns over high asylum seeker rates and housing costs but stresses the need for immigration to support the labor force and programs like healthcare.