通过圈养繁殖和栖息地恢复工作,1,000 只极度濒危的佛罗里达蚱蜢麻雀重新繁衍生息。 1,000 critically endangered Florida grasshopper sparrows repopulated through captive breeding and habitat restoration efforts.
佛罗里达州的科学家成功重新繁殖了 1,000 只极度濒危的佛罗里达蚱蜢麻雀,这些麻雀由于栖息地丧失而数量严重下降。 Scientists in Florida have successfully repopulated 1,000 critically endangered Florida grasshopper sparrows, which faced severe decline due to habitat loss. 2015 年,繁殖对被放入圈养环境,此后一项有控制的重新繁殖计划增加了鸟类的数量,为该物种的生存带来了希望。 Breeding pairs were put in captivity in 2015, and a controlled repopulation program has since increased the bird's population, restoring hope for the species' survival. 研究人员目前正在探索土地管理实践,以进一步改善麻雀的栖息地。 Researchers are now exploring land management practices to further enhance the sparrows' habitat.