12 月在马萨诸塞州阿瑟尔罕见地目击到一只北方知更鸟,暗示了气候变化可能产生的影响。 Rare December sighting of a Northern Mockingbird in Athol, MA, hints at possible climate change effects.
在马萨诸塞州的阿瑟尔,一名观鸟者于 12 月在他们的喂食器上发现了一只北方知更鸟,这在他们的高海拔社区是罕见的。 In Athol, Massachusetts, a birdwatcher spotted a Northern Mockingbird at their feeder in December, a rare occurrence in their high-altitude neighborhood. 在过去的十年里,只有五次其他目击事件。 Over the past ten years, there have only been five other sightings. 作者认为,这种不寻常的目击事件,以及卡罗莱纳鹪鹩更频繁的访问,可能表明气候变化和鸟类栖息地的变化。 The author suggests that this unusual sighting, along with more frequent visits by Carolina Wrens, might indicate climate change and changes in bird habitats.