极度濒危的雨燕鹦鹉数量减少至数百只,塔斯马尼亚州的森林砍伐和本土伐木是主要威胁。 Critically endangered swift parrot population declines to a few hundred, with deforestation and native logging in Tasmania as primary threats.
澳大利亚国立大学 (ANU) 的最新数据证实,极度濒危的雨燕鹦鹉数量已减少至仅几百只,而原生树木的砍伐是导致其灭绝的主要原因。 New data from The Australian National University (ANU) confirms the critically endangered swift parrot's population has declined to only a few hundred birds, with deforestation of native trees a major contributor to their potential extinction. 众所周知,这些鹦鹉每年都会在同一地点繁殖,研究人员呼吁政治家停止塔斯马尼亚的本地伐木,以帮助保护该物种。 The parrots are known to breed in the same location each year, and researchers are calling on politicians to halt native logging in Tasmania to help preserve the species.