在马萨诸塞州看到罕见的知更鸟暗示了气候变化对鸟类栖息地的影响。 Rare mockingbird sighting in Massachusetts hints at climate change's impact on bird habitats.
马萨诸塞州阿瑟勒的一个自然爱好者, 在12月发现一只北海鸟在他们的饲料处, 在他们高海拔的邻里, 这是罕见的景象。 A nature enthusiast in Athol, Massachusetts, spotted a Northern Mockingbird at their feeder in December, a rare sight in their higher-altitude neighborhood. 在过去的十年里,只见过5次嘲笑鸟。 Over the past ten years, mockingbirds have been seen only five other times. 作者认为,气候变化可能正在扩大鸟类栖息地,因为Carolina Wrens也越来越频繁地到访。 The author suggests that climate change might be expanding the birds' habitat, as Carolina Wrens have also become more frequent visitors. 这种不寻常的目光突出显示气候变化对野生动物形态的潜在环境影响。 This unusual sighting highlights the potential environmental impacts of climate change on wildlife patterns.