根据史密森尼的《国家动物园》研究,冬季生境条件影响到迁徙鸟类在春季迁徙和育种期间的生存。 Winter habitat conditions impact migratory birds' survival during spring migration and breeding, as linked in a Smithsonian's National Zoo study.
斯密森尼恩国家动物园的一项研究表明,冬季生境条件严重影响迁徙鸟类在春季迁徙和育种期间的生存。 A study from the Smithsonian's National Zoo reveals that winter habitat conditions significantly affect migratory birds' survival during spring migration and breeding. 它将加勒比非繁殖地区的降雨量减少和植物生产力下降与Kirtland的沃布勒等物种的存活率降低联系起来。 Published in Current Biology, it links reduced rainfall and vegetative productivity in Caribbean non-breeding areas to lower survival rates for species like the Kirtland's warbler. 由于气候变化威胁到这些生境,了解这些因素对于在鸟类数量不断减少的情况下开展养护工作至关重要。 As climate change threatens these habitats, understanding these factors is vital for conservation efforts amid declining bird populations.