6月份英国通胀率仍维持在英国央行2%的目标水平,增加了降息的可能性。 In June, UK inflation remained at the Bank of England's 2% target, raising the possibility of a rate cut.
英国6月份通胀率维持在英国央行2%的目标水平,可能会继续考虑降息。 UK inflation stayed at the Bank of England's 2% target in June, potentially keeping a rate cut in consideration. 这是受供应链问题和俄乌冲突影响通胀连续第二个月保持稳定。 This marks the second consecutive month of steady inflation after rising due to supply chain issues and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. 英国央行官员仍然担心劳动力市场和服务业持续的通胀压力。 Bank of England officials remain concerned about ongoing inflationary pressures in the labour market and services sector.