英国 11 月通胀率攀升至 2.6%,超过了英格兰银行的目标,尽管经济略有萎缩。 UK inflation climbed to 2.6% in November, exceeding the Bank of England's target, despite the economy shrinking slightly.
在燃料、服装和娱乐价格上涨的推动下,英国通胀率从 10 月份的 2.3% 升至 11 月份的 2.6%。 UK inflation rose to 2.6% in November, up from 2.3% in October, driven by higher fuel, clothing, and recreation prices. 这标志着通胀率连续第二个月上升,超过了英格兰银行 2% 的目标。 This marks the second consecutive month of rising inflation, surpassing the Bank of England's target of 2%. 经济学家预测,英国央行将把利率维持在 4.75% 以遏制通货膨胀,这也受到公共部门工资增加和税收贡献增加的影响。 Economists predict that the Bank will maintain interest rates at 4.75% to curb inflation, which is also influenced by increased public sector wages and higher tax contributions. 尽管通胀上升,但英国经济在 10 月份出人意料地萎缩了 0.1%。 Despite the inflation rise, the UK economy unexpectedly shrank by 0.1% in October.