新泽西州参议员罗伯特·梅嫩德斯在联邦腐败案审判中被判 16 项罪名全部成立。 New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez found guilty on all 16 counts in a federal corruption trial.
在曼哈顿举行的为期九周的联邦腐败审判中,新泽西州参议员罗伯特·梅内德斯被判 16 项罪名全部成立。 New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez has been found guilty on all 16 counts in a nine-week federal corruption trial in Manhattan. 梅南德斯因其对哈德逊县和国家政府的影响力而闻名,他因贿赂罪名被判处数十年的监禁。 Known for his influence on Hudson County and national government, Menendez faces a potential decades-long prison sentence following his conviction on bribery charges. 这是他第二次因腐败问题受审,上一次审判是在 2017 年,结果陪审团无法达成一致。 This marks his second corruption trial, with the previous one resulting in a hung jury in 2017.