前参议员Bob Menendez在被判定犯有贿赂和其他指控罪后,拒绝重新审判。 Former Senator Bob Menendez denied a new trial after being convicted of bribery and other charges.
前参议员Bob Menendez在7月因贿赂和充当外国代理人等罪名被定罪之后,被一名联邦法官拒绝重新审判。 Former Senator Bob Menendez was denied a new trial by a federal judge, following his July conviction on charges including bribery and acting as a foreign agent. Menendez, 新泽西民主党人, 面临数十年牢狱之灾, 已经辞去职务。 Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, faces decades in prison and has already resigned from office. 法官裁定,陪审团的有罪判决得到了充分证据的支持,没有重大不公正情况值得重审。 The judge ruled that the jury's guilty verdict was supported by ample evidence and there was no significant injustice warranting a retrial.