参议员鲍勃·梅南德斯被指控收受与卡塔尔投资有关的礼物。 Sen. Bob Menendez accused of receiving gifts linked to Qatar investment.
新泽西州参议员鲍勃·梅嫩德斯面临接受昂贵礼物以换取卡塔尔好评的指控。 New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is facing allegations of accepting expensive gifts in exchange for favorable Qatari comments. 起诉书没有指控梅嫩德斯犯有其他罪行,但包括了支持先前指控的新指控。 The indictment does not charge Menendez with additional crimes but includes new allegations to support the previous charges. 梅嫩德斯和他的妻子纳丁被指控犯有与涉嫌贿赂计划有关的四项罪名,但他们否认了这一指控。 Menendez and his wife, Nadine, are charged with four counts related to an alleged bribery scheme, which they have denied.