陪审团获得Menendez腐败审判中承认的不当证据,但定罪依然有效。 Jury access to improper evidence admitted in Menendez's corruption trial, but conviction stands.
联邦检察官承认,在对前新泽西参议员Bob Menendez的腐败审判中,陪审员被错误地给予获取不当证据的机会。 Federal prosecutors admitted that jurors in the corruption trial of former New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez were mistakenly given access to improper evidence. 尽管有这一错误,检察官辩称,这并不能证明有理由推翻对Menendez的定罪,罪名包括贿赂和充当外国代理人等16项指控。 Despite this error, prosecutors argue that it does not warrant overturning Menendez's conviction on 16 charges, including bribery and acting as a foreign agent. Menendez计划于1月25日对定罪提出上诉。 Menendez plans to appeal his conviction, set to occur on January 25th.