联合国环境规划署和国际科学理事会的全球预测报告指出,技术进步、资源竞争和人类对自然的影响导致了气候变化、自然丧失和污染三重全球危机。 UNEP and ISC's Global Foresight Report identifies a triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature loss, and pollution, driven by tech advancement, resource competition, and human impact on nature.
联合国环境规划署和国际科学理事会的全球预测报告强调了由技术进步、资源竞争和人类对自然的影响所推动的气候变化、自然丧失以及污染与浪费的三重全球危机。 UNEP and ISC's Global Foresight Report highlights a triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature loss, and pollution & waste, driven by tech advancement, resource competition, and human impact on nature. 报告指出太空采矿、永久冻土融化和武装冲突是潜在威胁,并呼吁更好的预测工具、新的社会契约和修订的进展措施,以应对未来的挑战。 The report suggests space mining, permafrost thawing, and armed conflict as potential threats, and calls for better foresight tools, a new social contract, and revised progress measures to prepare for future challenges.