经济论坛报告强调武装冲突、极端天气和虚假信息是 2025 年全球面临的主要风险。 Economic Forum report highlights armed conflict, extreme weather, and disinformation as top global risks in 2025.
世界经济论坛的最新报告指出,基于国家的武装冲突、极端天气和虚假信息是 2025 年的主要风险。 The World Economic Forum's latest report identifies state-based armed conflict, extreme weather, and disinformation as the top risks for 2025. 近四分之一的受访专家将武装冲突列为最紧迫的问题,而极端天气等环境风险则主导了长期预测。 Nearly a quarter of experts surveyed ranked armed conflict as the most pressing concern, while environmental risks like extreme weather dominate long-term forecasts. 该报告警告称,地缘政治紧张局势日益加剧,需要全球合作来应对这些挑战。 The report warns of growing geopolitical tensions and the need for global cooperation to address these challenges.