2021 年上半年,中国因自然灾害遭受经济损失 130 亿美元,受灾人数达 3238 万人。 China experienced a $13 billion economic loss due to natural disasters affecting 32.38 million people in H1 2021.
据应急管理部称,2021 年上半年,中国因洪水、干旱和极端气温等自然灾害遭受了 130 亿美元的经济损失。 China suffered a $13 billion economic loss due to natural disasters, including floods, drought, and extreme temperatures, during the first half of 2021, according to the Emergency Management Ministry. 灾害共造成3238万人受灾,失踪、死亡322人。 These disasters affected 32.38 million people, resulting in the disappearance or death of 322 individuals. 今年1至6月,直接经济损失931.6亿元人民币(128.3亿美元)。 The direct economic loss was reported at 93.16 billion yuan ($12.83 billion) during the January-June period.