2023 年诺森伯兰海岸长保姆保护区爆发禽流感疫情,影响北极燕鸥群落,导致四分之一的雏鸟死亡。 2023 bird flu outbreak in Northumberland Coast's Long Nanny Reserve impacts Arctic tern colony, killing a quarter of chicks.
诺森伯兰海岸长保姆保护区是英国最大的大陆北极燕鸥聚居地,那里的护林员正焦急地等待着 2023 年禽流感爆发后海鸟的命运。 Rangers at Northumberland Coast's Long Nanny Reserve, home to the UK's largest mainland Arctic tern colony, are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the seabirds after the bird flu outbreak in 2023. 该保护区是北极燕鸥和小燕鸥的安全繁殖地,去年有四分之一的雏鸟因这种疾病而死亡。 The reserve, which is a safe breeding ground for both Arctic and Little Terns, experienced the death of a quarter of its chicks due to the disease last year. 今年,成年繁殖北极燕鸥的数量有所减少,但情况并没有最初担心的那么糟糕。 This year, the number of adult breeding Arctic terns is lower but not as bad as initially feared.