RSPB 报告发现,在苏格兰评估的 20 种海鸟中,85% 的数量出现下降,主要原因是禽流感 (HPAI)。 RSPB report finds 85% of Scotland's 20 evaluated seabird species experienced declines, mainly due to avian flu (HPAI).
英国皇家鸟类保护协会的一份报告显示,由于禽流感,苏格兰的海鸟数量大幅下降,高致病性禽流感(HPAI)被认为扭转了去年人口普查中观察到的少数积极或稳定的趋势。 A report by the RSPB reveals seabird populations in Scotland have suffered significant declines due to avian flu, with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) being blamed for reversing the few positive or stable trends observed in the censuses carried out the previous year. 在专家可以评估趋势的 20 种海鸟中,有 17 种(85%)经历了种群数量下降,其中大贼鸥的数量下降了 76%。 Of the 20 seabird species that experts could evaluate trends for, 17 (85%) experienced population declines, including a 76% drop in the number of great skuas. 塘鹅、大贼鸥和欧洲风暴海燕数量在前几年有所增加,但现在已被塘鹅数量减少了 22% 所取代。 The increases in gannet, great skua, and European storm-petrel populations in previous years have now been superseded by a 22% gannet decline.