2022 年部分军事动员后,俄罗斯将收紧法律草案,以堵塞逃税漏洞。 Russia tightens draft laws to close evasion loopholes after 2022 partial military mobilisation.
继 2022 年“部分”军事动员向乌克兰征召 30 万名士兵之后,俄罗斯正在加强征兵法的实施,以防止逃避兵役。 Russia is tightening its draft laws to prevent evasion, following the 2022 "partial" military mobilisation that drafted 300,000 soldiers to Ukraine. 新立法旨在弥补漏洞,例如那些通过不告知当局其当前地址来逃避征兵通知的人。 The new legislation aims to close loopholes, such as those who avoided draft notices by not informing authorities of their current address.