数以千计的乌克兰人为逃避征兵,冒着生命危险穿越雪山进入罗马尼亚。 Thousands of Ukrainians flee draft conscription, risking lives to cross snowy mountains into Romania.
数以千计的乌克兰人冒着生命危险穿越雪山进入罗马尼亚,逃避征兵。 Thousands of Ukrainians risk their lives fleeing draft conscription by crossing snowy mountains into Romania. 乌克兰愈发严格的管制导致更多年轻人逃往欧盟成员国罗马尼亚,因为许多人担心在战场上丧命。 Stricter rules in Ukraine have increased the number of young men fleeing to EU member Romania, with many fearing death on the battlefront. 罗马尼亚山地救援人员发现了未能完成这次危险旅程的人员尸体。 Romanian mountain rescuers have found dead bodies of those who failed to make the treacherous journey.