立陶宛准备在今年征召约4 000名青年人服兵役。 Lithuania prepares to draft about 4,000 young people into military service this year.
立陶宛编制了2025年征兵名单,包括25 149名18至22岁的年轻人。 Lithuania has compiled a conscription list for 2025, including 25,149 young people aged 18 to 22. 今年将征召约4 000人,还有自愿服务。 About 4,000 will be called up this year, with voluntary service also available. 学生可以推迟服务或选择低级军官培训。 Students can defer service or opt for junior officer training. 该名单由独立观察员编制,不久将公布,从2月开始提供服务。 The list, prepared with independent observers, will be published soon, with service starting in February. 该部旨在解决人员配置和基础设施问题。 The Ministry aims to address staffing and infrastructure issues.