新加坡食品局警告不要食用含有违禁物质西布曲明的马来西亚减肥产品 KetoDiet Coffee。 Singapore Food Agency warns against consuming KetoDiet Coffee, a Malaysian weight-loss product containing banned substance sibutramine.
新加坡食品局 (SFA) 警告不要购买或食用含有违禁物质西布曲明的马来西亚减肥咖啡产品 KetoDiet Coffee。 Singapore Food Agency (SFA) warns against purchasing or consuming KetoDiet Coffee, a Malaysian weight-loss coffee product containing the banned substance, sibutramine. 西布曲明是一种处方减肥药,由于其可能增加心脏病、中风和癫痫等健康风险,自 2010 年起在新加坡被禁止使用。 Sibutramine, a prescription-only weight-loss medicine, has been banned in Singapore since 2010 due to health risks including increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and seizures. SFA 已与电子商务平台合作删除该产品列表。 SFA has worked with e-commerce platforms to remove the product listings.