马来西亚禁止含有因健康风险非法食欲抑制剂的苹果糖果。 Malaysia bans Apple S candies containing illegal appetite suppressant due to health risks.
马来西亚卫生部已停止苹果糖的销售, 因为有未经注册的食欲抑制剂, Malaysia's Health Ministry has halted sales of Apple S candies due to the presence of sibutramine, an unregistered appetite suppressant. 这项行动的目的是保护公共健康,因为糖果违反标签法。 The move aims to protect public health, as the candies violate labeling laws. 指示贸易商和在线销售商停止销售产品,并建议消费者因潜在的健康风险(包括心脏问题和恶心)停止使用产品。 Traders and online sellers are instructed to stop selling the product, and consumers are advised to discontinue use due to potential health risks, including heart issues and nausea.