巴黎法庭维持对叙利亚总统阿萨德因 2013 年使用化学武器发出的逮捕令。 Paris court upholds arrest warrant for Syrian President Assad over 2013 chemical weapons use.
巴黎一家法院维持了对叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德的逮捕令,理由是阿萨德于 2013 年对平民使用了禁用化学武器。 A Paris court has upheld an arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over the use of banned chemical weapons against civilians in 2013. 该逮捕令最初于 2023 年 11 月发出,指控其犯有危害人类罪和战争罪。 The warrant, initially issued in November 2023, refers to charges of complicity in crimes against humanity and complicity in war crimes. 巴黎上诉法院的裁决标志着国家法院首次承认现任国家元首的个人豁免权不是绝对的。 The Paris Appeals Court's decision marks the first time a national court has recognized that the personal immunity of a serving head of state is not absolute.