6 利比亚对战争罪、危害人类罪和国际刑事法院未密封的谋杀的逮捕令。 6 Libya arrest warrants for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and murder unsealed by ICC.
国际刑事法院已签发了六份逮捕令,涉及在利比亚的战争罪、危害人类罪和谋杀罪。 The International Criminal Court (ICC) has unsealed six arrest warrants related to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and murder in Libya. 这些逮捕令最初于2011年发布,反映了国际刑事法院致力于处理侵犯人权行为和为受害者伸张正义。 Initially issued in 2011, these warrants reflect the ICC's commitment to addressing human rights violations and pursuing justice for victims. 虽然被点名的个人尚未公开披露,但国际刑事法院知道他们的身份。 While the individuals named have not been publicly disclosed, their identities are known to the ICC.