由于人类活动和数量下降,婆罗洲象被世界自然保护联盟红色名录列为濒危物种。 Bornean elephants classified as endangered on IUCN Red List due to human activities and population decline.
世界自然保护联盟最新的濒危物种红色名录显示,婆罗洲象因农业、采矿和伐木等人类活动而濒临灭绝。 The latest IUCN Red List of threatened species reports Bornean elephants as endangered due to human activities such as agriculture, mining, and logging. 大象数量已减少到约 1,000 头,面临灭绝的高风险。 The population has dwindled to around 1,000 elephants, placing them at high risk of extinction. 此前,由于入侵的蛇类,加那利岛和伊比沙岛的爬行动物物种面临危险,而贸易和气候变化导致 80% 以上的观赏性仙人掌受到的威胁增加。 This follows the inclusion of reptile species on Gran Canaria and Ibiza at risk due to invasive snakes, and the increased threat to over 80% of ornamental Copiapoa cacti due to trade and climate change.