印度阿萨姆大象人口比2017年增加至5 828人, Elephant population in Assam, India, grows to 5,828, up from 2017, due to conservation efforts.
印度阿萨姆大象人口从2017年的5 719人增至2024年的5 828人, The elephant population in Assam, India, has risen to 5,828 in 2024, up from 5,719 in 2017, according to the Assam Forest Department. 这一增长反映了国家目前为减少人类与野生生物冲突而进行的保护努力和措施。 This increase reflects the state's ongoing conservation efforts and measures to reduce human-wildlife conflicts. 阿萨姆政府成立了反掠夺小组,由当地村民参与,以保护农田和确保人类和大象的安全。 The Assam government has formed anti-depredation squads involving local villagers to protect farmland and ensure safety for both humans and elephants.