以色列最高法院命令政府征召极端正统派的犹太男子参军,终止宗教研究豁免。 Israel's Supreme Court orders government to draft ultra-Orthodox Jewish men into army, ending exemptions for religious studies.
以色列最高法院一致命令政府开始征召极端正统的犹太男子入伍,结束允许他们逃避义务兵役的制度。 Israel's Supreme Court has unanimously ordered the government to begin drafting ultra-Orthodox Jewish men into the army, ending a system that has allowed them to avoid compulsory military service. 极端正统派约占以色列人口的13%,他们认为在宗教神学院全日制学习是他们最重要的职责。 The ultra-Orthodox, who make up about 13% of Israel's population, believe that full-time study in religious seminaries is their most important duty.