俄罗斯达吉斯坦地区的教堂、犹太教堂和警察哨所遭受恐怖袭击,造成 15 名警察和平民死亡。 15 police officers and civilians killed in terrorist attacks on churches, synagogue, and police post in Russia's Dagestan region.
据俄罗斯南部达吉斯坦地区州长谢尔盖·梅利科夫称,枪手袭击了俄罗斯南部达吉斯坦地区的两座东正教教堂、一座犹太教堂和一个警察哨所,造成 15 名警察和包括一名牧师在内的数名平民死亡。 Gunmen killed 15 police officers and several civilians, including a priest, in attacks on two Orthodox churches, a synagogue, and a police post in Russia's southern Dagestan region, according to the governor, Sergei Melikov. 俄罗斯国家反恐委员会称,发生在这个穆斯林聚居区、且有武装叛乱历史的地区的袭击是恐怖行为。 The attacks in the predominantly Muslim region with a history of armed insurgency were described as terrorist acts by Russia's National Anti-Terrorist Committee.