救助儿童会就新西兰小学生的“全天不玩手机”政策展开调查。 Save the Children surveys NZ schoolchildren on government's "phones away for the day" policy.
救助儿童会正在对新西兰的小学生进行调查,了解他们对政府“全天不许使用手机”政策的看法,旨在为那些受学校手机禁令影响最大的人发出自己的声音。 Save the Children is surveying schoolchildren in New Zealand to gauge their opinions on the government's "phones away for the day" policy, aiming to provide a voice to those most affected by the cell phone ban in schools. 所收集的数据将用于从儿童的角度向政府提供有关该政策效果的反馈。 The data collected will be used to provide feedback to the government about the policy's effects from the children's perspective. 在之前的民意调查中,95%接受调查的儿童支持或希望扩大健康学校午餐计划。 In a previous poll, 95% of surveyed children supported or wanted to expand the Healthy School Lunches program.