英国保守派提议禁止学生在英格兰上课时间使用智能手机。 UK Conservatives propose banning student smartphone use during school hours in England.
联合王国保守党正在提议修订《儿童福祉和学校法案》,禁止在英格兰学生上课时间使用智能手机和其他设备。 The UK Conservative Party is proposing an amendment to the Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill to ban the use of smartphones and other devices by students during school hours in England. 如果获得通过,所有学校都需要执行一项政策,禁止从一天的第一课到最后一课使用装置,并对六年级和寄宿学校采取一定的灵活性。 If passed, all schools would need to implement a policy prohibiting device use from the first to the last lesson of the day, with some flexibility for sixth forms and boarding schools. 虽然劳工政府不打算就此问题制定法律,但教育部指出,学校已经有权制定自己的移动电话政策。 While the Labour government does not plan to legislate on this issue, the Department for Education notes that schools already have the authority to create their own mobile phone policies.