堪萨斯州教育委员会认可学校的手机禁令和心理健康倡议。 Kansas education board endorses cell phone bans and mental health initiatives in schools.
堪萨斯州教育委员会已经接受了一份报告,其中建议禁止白天使用手机,提高学校的心理健康意识,尽管将政策的制定工作留给地方区负责。 The Kansas State Board of Education has accepted a report recommending daytime cell phone bans and increased mental health awareness in schools, though it leaves policy creation to local districts. 由36名成员组成的工作队汇编的这份20页报告载有22项建议,旨在减少分心和支持学生的福祉。 The 20-page report, compiled by a 36-member task force, includes 22 recommendations aimed at reducing distractions and supporting student well-being. 虽然国务委员会没有规定任何政策,但它鼓励各区考虑“按铃到按铃”的限制,学生们必须在全学日期间关掉并储存电话。 While the state board has not mandated any policies, it encourages districts to consider "bell-to-bell" restrictions, where students must turn off and store their phones during the entire school day. 报告还强调了家长监督和工作人员准则的重要性。 The report also emphasizes the importance of parental oversight and staff guidelines.