海胆疫情从红海蔓延至印度洋,威胁珊瑚礁。 Sea urchin pandemic spreading from Red Sea to Indian Ocean, threatening coral reefs.
首次在红海发现的海胆疫情已蔓延至印度洋,威胁珊瑚礁。 A sea urchin pandemic first detected in the Red Sea has spread to the Indian Ocean, threatening coral reefs. 受影响的物种对于珊瑚礁保护至关重要,已造成红海、阿拉伯半岛和马达加斯加附近的留尼汪岛大量死亡。 The impacted species, crucial for coral reef protection, has caused mass deaths across the Red Sea, Arabian Peninsula, and Reunion Island off Madagascar. 研究人员已经确定了此次疫情背后的病原体,并警告称,这场危机可能蔓延至全球,对本已脆弱的珊瑚礁生态系统构成额外威胁。 Researchers have identified the pathogen behind the pandemic and warn that the crisis may spread globally, posing an additional threat to the already fragile coral reef ecosystem.