自2014年以来,一种疾病导致佛罗里达的支柱珊瑚功能性灭绝,摧毁了约5 000万个殖民地。 Since 2014, a disease has led to the functional extinction of pillar coral in Florida, destroying about 50 million colonies.
自2014年以来,石质珊瑚组织丧失疾病导致佛罗里达的支柱珊瑚功能灭绝,摧毁了约5 000万个珊瑚群。 Since 2014, stony coral tissue loss disease has caused the functional extinction of pillar coral in Florida, destroying around 50 million coral colonies. 研究科学家Stephanie Schopmeyer花了近十年的时间研究这一疾病,强调这些生态系统对佛罗里达州的重要作用。 Research scientist Stephanie Schopmeyer has spent nearly a decade studying the disease, emphasizing the vital role of these ecosystems for Florida. 寻找解药的努力对于保护珊瑚礁和依赖珊瑚礁的社区至关重要。 Efforts to find a cure are crucial to protect the reefs and the communities relying on them.