2024年海洋热浪漂白现象占大堡礁南部珊瑚的80%,到7月时已造成一半以上死亡。 2024 marine heatwave bleaches 80% of southern Great Barrier Reef corals, killing over half by July.
2024年的一场严重的海洋热浪对大堡礁南部造成了灾难性的破坏,到2月,66%的珊瑚殖民地漂白,到4月上升到80%。 A severe marine heatwave in 2024 caused catastrophic damage to the southern Great Barrier Reef, with 66% of coral colonies bleached by February, rising to 80% by April. 到5月,几乎一半的漂白珊瑚已经死亡,到7月上升到53%。 By May, nearly half of the bleached corals had died, increasing to 53% by July. 这标志着自1998年以来的第七次大规模漂白事件,每两年举行一次,突出表明迫切需要就气候变化和减少排放采取全球行动。 This marks the seventh mass bleaching event since 1998, occurring every two years, highlighting the urgent need for global action on climate change and reduced emissions. 西澳大利亚州也出现类似影响,由于海洋温度上升,数千条鱼类死亡,珊瑚漂白现象加剧。 Similar impacts are seen in Western Australia, where thousands of fish have died and coral bleaching has intensified due to rising ocean temperatures.