在第4次大规模珊瑚漂白会第十六届会议上,77%的世界珊瑚礁受到影响,联合国基金的目标是到2030年筹集3B美元,用于养护。 4th mass coral bleaching affects 77% of world's reefs at COP16, UN fund aims to raise $3B for conservation by 2030.
联合国于哥伦比亚举行的第十六届缔约方会议生物多样性首脑会议召开紧急会议,讨论第四次大规模珊瑚漂白事件。 气候变化影响到77%的世界珊瑚礁。 The United Nations convened an emergency session at the COP16 biodiversity summit in Colombia to address the fourth mass coral bleaching event, which has affected 77% of the world’s reefs due to climate change. 这一事件对支持海洋生命和人类生计的重要生态系统构成重大威胁。 This event poses a significant threat to vital ecosystems that support marine life and human livelihoods. 四个国家向联合国一项基金认捐了约3 000万美元,该基金旨在到2030年筹集30亿美元,用于珊瑚养护,敦促在下一次海洋会议之前作出进一步承诺。 Four nations pledged around $30 million to a UN fund aimed at raising $3 billion by 2030 for coral conservation, urging further commitments ahead of the next ocean conference.