面临联邦贿赂指控的新泽西州参议员鲍勃·梅嫩德斯 (Bob Menendez) 计划在 6 月 4 日之前以独立参议员候选人的身份提交申请。 New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, facing federal bribery charges, plans to file as an independent Senate candidate by June 4.
据美国广播公司报道,面临联邦贿赂指控的新泽西州参议员鲍勃·梅嫩德斯计划在周一结束前以独立参议员候选人的身份提交申请。 New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, facing federal bribery charges, plans to file as an independent Senate candidate by the end of Monday, according to ABC News. 梅内德斯今年 3 月曾表示,他不会以民主党员身份竞选连任,但仍保留以独立候选人身份参加 11 月竞选的可能性。 Menendez had said in March he would not seek another term as a Democrat but left open the possibility of running in November as an independent. 独立候选人需要获得 800 个签名才能获得新泽西州美国参议院大选选票。 Independent candidates need 800 signatures to get on the U.S. Senate general election ballot in New Jersey. 梅南德斯必须在 6 月 4 日之前以独立候选人身份提交申请。 Menendez faces a June 4 deadline to file as an independent.