美国参议员Bob Menendez(D-NJ)在被George Samir Helmy取代的腐败定罪后撤回连选连任。 US Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) withdraws re-election bid after corruption conviction, replaced by George Samir Helmy.
美国新泽西州民主党参议员鲍勃·梅嫩德斯(Bob Menendez)在被判犯有包括敲诈勒索、妨碍司法和收受贿赂在内的腐败指控后,撤回了以独立人士身份竞选连任的竞选。 US Senator Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, withdrew his bid for re-election as an independent after being convicted of corruption charges, including extortion, obstruction of justice, and accepting bribes. 梅嫩德斯的继任者乔治·萨米尔·赫尔米(George Samir Helmy)将代表新泽西州完成他的剩余任期,该任期将于1月结束。 Menendez's replacement, George Samir Helmy, will represent New Jersey for the remainder of his term, which ends in January. Menendez的妻子Nadine也被指控,将分别审判。 Menendez's wife, Nadine, has also been charged and will be tried separately.