印度尼西亚由女性领导的护林员队伍致力于打击森林砍伐和偷猎行为。 Female-led forest ranger teams in Indonesia combat deforestation and poaching.
印度尼西亚由女性领导的护林员队伍通过巡逻丛林、动员社区保护森林以及与全国其他由女性领导的保护森林的团体分享策略来遏制森林砍伐。 Female-led forest ranger teams in Indonesia are combating deforestation by patrolling jungles, engaging communities to protect forests, and sharing strategies with other women-led groups protecting forests across the country. 他们的努力使得森林砍伐和偷猎行为减少。 Their efforts have led to a decrease in deforestation and poaching. 印度尼西亚是世界第三大雨林的所在地,该国正在利用这些策略来保护其重要的生态系统。 Indonesia, home to the world's third-largest rainforest, is leveraging these tactics to safeguard its vital ecosystems.