研究人员开发了基于卫星的方法来预测南极洲帝王企鹅的繁殖配对和幼鸟的数量。 Researchers develop satellite-based method to predict emperor penguin breeding pairs and fledgling chicks in Antarctica.
埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学的研究人员利用卫星图像开发出了一种可靠的方法来预测帝王企鹅的繁殖配对和幼鸟的数量。 Using satellite imagery, researchers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg have developed a reliable method to predict emperor penguin breeding pairs and fledgling chicks. 这种濒危物种栖息在南极洲恶劣的环境中,使得监测其种群具有挑战性。 This endangered species inhabits Antarctica's harsh environment, making monitoring their population challenging. 卫星数据仅在 10 月至 4 月之间可用,但这种新方法显著提高了人口统计的准确性。 Satellite data is only available between October and April, yet this new method significantly improves population count accuracy.