西澳大利亚州发现一个营养不良的企鹅皇帝 远离南极洲的家园 A malnourished Emperor Penguin was found in Western Australia, far from its Antarctic home.
在西澳大利亚州丹麦的海洋海滩上发现了一个营养不良的企鹅皇帝,标志着其物种在距离南极洲数千公里处最北端的目光最远。 A malnourished Emperor Penguin was found on Ocean Beach in Denmark, Western Australia, marking the furthest north sighting of its species, thousands of kilometers from Antarctica. 由冲浪者Aaron Fowler发现, 年轻的企鹅现在由西澳大利亚大学的Belinda Cannell博士负责照顾。 Discovered by surfer Aaron Fowler, the young penguin is now under the care of Dr. Belinda Cannell from the University of Western Australia. 它的旅程凸显了人们对波及企鹅皇帝的海温上升的担忧, 企鹅皇帝有许多繁殖群易受气候变化影响。 Its journey highlights concerns about rising sea temperatures affecting Emperor Penguins, with many breeding colonies vulnerable to climate change.